By Libby Scott & Rebecca Westcott Thanks to the @kidlitexchange network for the review copy of this book. All opinions are my own. This middle-grade novel centers around sixth-grader Tally and her experiences starting middle school. But as well as adjusting to life in a new school and her "friends" changing before her eyes (becoming boy-crazy and into make-up), Tally has the added challenge of managing her autism and keeping the struggle silent. Tally's journey is based on Ms. Scott's own experiences with autism and is a moving story about what it means to be "normal." It is told in close third person with interspersed diary entries written by Tally. No doubt this book will prove to be an integral part of any school and library collection and an important conversation-starter for communities seeking to better understand autism and provide accommodations for autistic members. @kidlitexchange #bookstagram #kidlitexchange #kidlit
By Carolyn Mackler This is a sweet middle-grade story featuring Willa, a dog-loving girl with Sensory Processing Disorder. Willa lives with her father and brother in a New York City apartment during the week and visits her mother and step-father on the weekends. She has regular sessions with a therapist and a reliable best friend, Ruby, who keeps her grounded at school. But Willa's world is flipped upside down when she discovers her father has fallen in love with Ruby's mom and intends to marry her. Readers will quickly connect with likable Willa and empathize with her need for stability and her dislike of change. The detailed aspects of her disorder are well integrated into the story without them overtaking the plot or Willa's character development. Strong themes of friendship, family, self-acceptance, and honesty abound as Willa grapples with disclosing her diagnosis to Ruby and contemplates how she will function with a new sister and step-mom in her daily life. Grab some gummy bears (Willa's favorite candy!) and enjoy. #bookreview #kidlit #bookstagram THE STORY WEB
By Megan Frazer Blakemore Thanks to the @kidlitexchange network for the review copy of this book. All opinions are my own. A contemporary story with touches of magic, THE STORY WEB largely follows the story of a young girl, Alice, who struggles to cope when her father goes away for treatment of depression/PTSD. His departure coincides with strange activities in the local community—forest animals come to town and an ice storm begins with no end in sight. It is said, these events are due to the break down of the story-web; a web woven by spiders from the telling of truthful tales. A web so crucial that without it, society will break down and the world will freeze. This story is told from multiple points of view including the likable Alice, her two friends, and various forest animals. The action rises slowly and is charged with emotional intensity. It includes themes of family, friendship, the importance of truth/honesty, mental illness, and the impact of rumors/gossip/fear-mongering. A great read for a quiet weekend or to fuel a deep classroom or family discussion. @kidlitexchange #partner #bookstagram #kidlitexchange #kidlit @bloomsburypublishing @megbmore HALFWAY NORMAL
By Barbara Dee HALFWAY NORMAL is a wonderful contemporary story about Norah, a seventh-grader returning to school following a prolonged absence for leukemia treatment. As well as the standard middle-school parent, friendship and relationship dilemmas, Dee brilliantly weaves in the added pressures of being labeled a cancer-survivor and having an impaired immune system and the impact that has on Norah's reintegration into the school community and her interactions with others. Norah is a likable character on a journey towards self-acceptance and a new normal. Her story is filled with hope and inspiration making this a must-read for all. WEIRD LITTLE ROBOTS
By Carolyn Crimi (Illustrated by Corinna Luyken) Thanks to the @kidlitexchange network for the review copy of this book. All opinions are my own. From acclaimed picture book writer, Carolyn Crimi, comes the sweet and quirky middle-grade novel, WEIRD LITTLE ROBOTS. A story about a lonely, robot-making eleven-year-old named Penny Rose who wishes for a friend but gets a whole lot more than she ever dreamed. The gentle and wise narrator's voice will draw readers in from the first page and the rising action and unexpected events that occur as the plot unfolds will keep readers intrigued until the final word. The character's (both human and robot) are vividly captured by Crimi's words and Luyken's art and their choices, actions, and reactions are well explored. Their love of science, creating, and repurposing discarded objects adds an additional layer of intrigue and wonder to the story. This delightful, early middle-grade story is a worthy addition to home bookshelves and classroom libraries. Buckle up your tool belt and enjoy! Release Date: 10/1/2019 @kidlitexchange #partner #bookstagram #kidlitexchange #kidlit @carolyncrimi1228 #carolyncrimi @corinnaluyken @candlewickpress #weirdlittlerobots MEENA MEETS HER MATCH by Karla Manternach
MEENA MEETS HER MATCH is a cute early middle-grade novel about friendship and life in the third grade. The protagonist (Meena) jumps off the page and her love of recycling trash into art and craft projects is refreshing and fun. While this book is largely an exploration of a falling out between friends, Meena also experiences a medical issue—seizures. She is diagnosed with epilepsy during the course of the story and experiences seizures and attends tests such as MRI scanning. An author's note provides more information on this condition and also relates Meena's medical issues to that of the author's daughter. A great transition book for readers stepping up from chapter books with an interesting and unique subplot of epilepsy. Follow reading with your favorite recycled craft activity for the complete 'Meena' experience. Enjoy! #bookstagram #kidlitexchange #kidlit #bookreview @mskarlam A Drop of Hope by Keith Calabrese
Thanks to the @kidlitexchange network for the review copy of this book. All opinions are my own. If you've been searching for a middle-grade read full of inspiration and the power of small kindnesses, this is it. Set in a struggling small town, the story follows multiple sixth graders and their interactions with an old well said to grant wishes. Each character is as unique and memorable as the next and the way their stories and experiences interweave is brilliantly crafted. This is a page-turning read told from multiple points of view. Suitable for grades three and up. Get ready for intrigue, tension, adventure, and your heart to fill with hope and happiness. @kidlitexchange #partner #bookstagram #kidlitexchange #kidlit #bookreview @scholasticinc #keithcalabrese FOCUSED By Alyson Gerber
Thanks to the @kidlitexchange network for the review copy of this book. All opinions are my own. From the author of Braced, which sheds light on scoliosis, comes Focused - a middle-grade novel about ADHD. The main character, chess-obsessed Clea, has been struggling with school and her relationships with others. When she is diagnosed with ADHD, her life slowly begins to change as strategies are implemented to help her find ways to concentrate and manage her school work and daily tasks. Clea is a well-crafted character whose seventh-grade challenges (homework, friendship issues, bullies, and first crushes) are relatable and believable. The first-person narrative gives the reader unique insight into her thought processes as she struggles with her ADHD, and juggles academic and social pressures. Readers will become cheerleaders - wanting Clea to try, try, and try again to strive for her goals and dreams. This is an ideal read for ADHD sufferers and anyone interested in learning more about it. A helpful author's note follows to supplement the informative details included in the story. @kidlitexchange #partner #bookstagram #kidlitexchange #kidlit #bookreview @scholasticinc @alysongerber Captain Superlative By J. S. Puller
A mysterious cape, mask, and wig wearing middle-school student is changing the mood at school one good deed at a time. Quiet, friendless Janey is intrigued... This middle-grade novel full of heart is sure to leave the reader inspired to be a better person and let their inner superhero shine. The protagonist, Janey, is well characterized and the emotional journey she travels during the story feels genuine and believable. Her inspiration for change, a fellow student with leukemia who prefers to be known as Captain Superlative, is an equally strong character. Even the school bully, Dagmar, is complex and well crafted. This is a great story for all middle graders- for bullies, the bullied, those dealing with loss or the prospect of loss, and anyone struggling to fit in. Get ready for happy tears, sad tears, and change-the-world inspiration. Enjoy! GOOD ENOUGH by Jen Petro-Roy
Thanks to the @kidlitexchange network for the review copy of this book. All opinions are my own. This middle-grade story about Riley, a twelve-year-old anorexic, will tug at your heartstrings. The journal format allows the reader the privilege of seeing into Riley’s head - a head filled with changing thoughts and feelings, both helpful and dysfunctional, as she journies through inpatient treatment for her disordered eating. Insights into the experiences of other patients (ones who Riley forms friendships with) are also included. It's an emotionally difficult read but worth the reader heartache. The accompanying guide You Are Enough: An Inclusive Guide to Body Image and Eating Disorder Recovery is a helpful add-on book for those who want more in-depth support and information on eating disorders beyond the scope of the novel. This is an ideal read for body-conscious pre-teens, eating disorder patients, and anyone wanting to learn more about eating disorders, their impact, and treatment. @kidlitexchange #partner #bookstagram #kidlitexchange #kidlit #bookreview @jpetroyroy #macmillan |
December 2023